>= 0.3.x Versions (Production)
- Add docker setup
- Add some API tests
- Ignore redis exceptions on sentry
- Set scamble API version to app version
- Refactor permission-strings using TokenPermissionEnum
- Bugfix generate sitemap
- Bugfix order books by pages in frontend
- Allow to add page-nr while attaching literature in backend
- Improve literature detail page in frontend
- Bugfix to show and sort literature page numbers in frontend
- Add filament notifications table (needed when redis is disabled)
- Add fluxui lib
- Update to newest composer and node packages
- Add edit literature button in frontend and show literature button in backend
- Make literature page-nr editable in table
- Change literature relationship table default size to 100
- Bugfix mobile view
- Enable sentry integration
- Add job SyncBachabUsers to daily sync active bachab users with webling
- Enable bachab user backend page
- Rename all ACA strings in frontend/backend
- Bump App min version to 1.2.9
- Add new pages for literature
- Improve literature editing functions in backend
- Add field calc_used to authors and publishers table and add processing to job RecalculateUsedFields
- Fix relationship for literature cover (its now MorphOne)
- Bugfixing on PUT for user-list api
- Refactor can checks in models to CustomUserHelper::can
- Refactor all policy return types
- Make create canyon and edit coordinates mobile friendly
- Add maps mapy_cz, world_imagery, world_topo_map to frontend and backend
- Fix map rotation icon placing
- Add coordinate type parking_start_alt
- Enable popup on backend navigation without save
- Update php and node packages to newest versions
- Add missinf translations
- Bump to newet node and composer packages
- Bugfix on user list ordering on special case
- Migrate autoformater to laravel-pint (IMPORTANT: you need to manually uninstall vscode-phpfmt in vscode)
- Add user role canyon_group_bachab and migrate from aca role check to permission checks (TODO: run UserRoleSeeder again)
- Fix crashes on filter tabs
- Add kml download on user list
- Add tour-book link in menu
- Fix back navigation on canyon detail tabs
- Update composer and node packages to newest versions because of security issues
- Allow priority 1 to 5 now in slack feature/bug scrapper, default=6
- Improve styling on favorite frontend
- Add optional parameter base_lang to command custom:add-missing-translations
- Add specialities to CanyonFull api resource and mark subregion as optional
- Upgrade all node and php packages to newest versions
- Remove package puppeteer and manually upgrade axios dev dependency
- Revert SchluchtCh import time to 30 days
- Bugfix SchluchtCh Import
- Fix oom on db download and also allow admins to download latest db backup
- Add rocktype porphyry
- Delete unwanted table rows from literatures (author,publisher)
- Report multiuser select clean/close input when selecting a user
- Rename filament NameResource to CanyonNameResource in order to have filament shield working again
- Limit allowed upload formats for all models to formats: jpeg, pdf (because some other formats were causing problems)
- Create new models/tables/structures for author and publisher out of literature (Todo: you need to run AuthorPublisherSeeder)
- Try bugfix db download with streaming
- Add favorite button on canyon detail page
- Bugfix for filament shield using a custom spartie permission role not allowing the exidental change of role names anymore
- Fix canyon policy (needed for backend permissions)
- Bugfix backend warning field every_year can be saved again
- Backend add DB download link for sysadmins
- Improve canyon delete request and allow admins to delete canyons
- Add wrong timings to canyon data error widget in backend
- Fix full_name_overwrite on subregion model
- Add to map (Warning: free api key is quite limited!!!)
- Remember last map position for 12h on page map
- Change report/list and report/list/full api and also reports where the user has been mentioned
- Update package laravel-model-uuid to stable version
- Bugfix on create private userlist
- Enhance api 403 errors with needed permission name
- Add api call user/permissions
- Add seeder CanyonSeederFixDuplicateWeblinks
- Change seeder CanyonSeederRopewiki to import Australia and New-Zealand with english descriptions
- Improvements on userlists
- Add page-header blade component
- API bugfixes on update report and hinting on user/list
- Update translations
- Enable cors preflight requests for media/*
- Bugfix regions pages with unknown region uuid
- Upgrade node and php packages to newest versions
- Add signle report full api endpoint
- Change report field date to ne not nullable in database
- Improve n+1 sql queries on many webpages and apis
- Refactor cvh_latest_canyon_pictures cache data
- Improve recently added report/media apis (naming, type-hint, ...)
- Bugfix on canyon property has_media (in Job RecalculateCanyonStatistic)
- Fix relationship between userlist-item back to userlist
- Remove ALL from backend pagination options, now 500 is the maximum allowed
- Add report full api call (to get a list of reports including pictures)
- Improve N+1 queries on some apis and the canyon detail page
- Canyon detail page add canyon/region links to list page using filters
- Add seeder CanyonSeederFixEntryExitHeights
- Disable default db-seeder
- Reshedule background jobs to optimize runtime of disaster backup job
- Backend translation bugfixes
- Add coordinate type overnight_stay
- Keep job and email logs now for 60 days
- Improve mobile view of canyon detail pages
- Try to fix scroll bug by click on coordinates
- Add property has_media to canyon and add it to canyon full api response and RecalculateCanyonStatistic job
- Add canyon media api V2, now including also report pictures and a different data structure
- Report API - add field additional-users, picture-upload, updated_at
- User API - add list of users (needed to select additional-users)
- UserList API - add api access to all userlist, userlist-item elements and a public userlist
- Improve translations
- Add locale switcher on backend (only for dev stage)
- Bugfixing and improvements for user-lists
- Fix/refactor more translations
- Restrict gear/speciality creation to admins
- Allow none-admins to request gear/speciality with a slack msg
- Add user-role translator also to user-role admin (run UserRoleSeeder)
- Add ignore-tags to deepl api and translationCache
- Add formating option to custom:mergetranslation command
- Improve custom:add-missing-translations command
- Fix more backend translations
- Fix some backend css styles
- Disable creation of countries in backend
- Add automatic translation for coordinate->comment, weblink->description, literature->description, media->custom_description to job GenerateTranslationCache
- Language property needs to be set on each canyon created, currently allowed are de/en
- Start of translating the major parts of the backend in de/en/es/it/fr (not finished yet)
- Add locale property and handling now also to canyon, coordinate, weblink, literature, media
- Add custom filament theme as workaround to get tailwind classes not purged on build
- Add seeder CanyonSeederInitLocale to init the initial locale on the existing models
- Refactor many translation keys (multipe uses should be in canyon-common, otherwise in a separate translationfile per page/area)
- Translate warnings into de/en/es/it/fr
- Allow Job DetectCanyonDataErrors to detect errors for multiple languages
- Improvements of many backend forms/lists on various models
- Add command php artisan custom:add-missing-translations to init missing translations from deepl
- Fix oversize pictures on pdf
- Bugfix file permissions job DetectCanyonDataErrors
- Also show inactive warnings on canyon detail page
- Add timestamps to reports_have_additional_users to improve db diff backup
- Improvents on generate gps data job
- Add infos regarding db backup/restore and filesystem permissions to readme
- Fix gps export duplicate names and png backgrounds
- Add database statistics page in backend in new area sysadmin
- Add database diff backup all 13min for 72h for selected db tables
- Bugfix restrict backend admin info page only to admins
- Bugfix user request resource when no slack_id is set
- Bugfix kml icons
- Improve merge translation handling
- Change db name for stage production
- Limit seeder CanyonSeederRopewiki to only europe
- Fix logs on background job MovePicturesToWebhosting
- Bugfix report api (only allow set of some values)
- Bugfix author activity widget (remove report pictures)
- Add link to slack-user-id to canyon delete requests
- Add new favorites aka. user-lists feature
- Add slack user-id handling (save in profile, edit in backend, request on author-role request, show on users and team pages for authors)
- Bugfix move gps data on
- Show create button on mobile also with text
- Fix translations on user-role-request page
- Improve pdf generation (Fonts, half-stars, ..)
- Fix navigation menue on mobile
- Add workaround to tailwind css config (buttons are blue again on login/register/...)
- Improve backend map coordinate select
- Update of node and php packages
- Enable backend translation manager again
- Bugfix of job MoveBackupToExternalFtp
- Move slack canyon delete requests to public data-cleanup channel
- Bugfix picture min upload size if there are already pictures uploaded
- Move all picture processing to a separate picture queue
- Send slack msg from import just once a week and also to public data-cleanup channel
- Bugfix missing timestamps on background-job runs (init of job in db automatically done)
- Add cache busting on svg icons
- Show canyon name on all icons only on high zoom levels
- Refactor styleFunctionDynamicIcons to dynamically get type icon mapping ffrom coordinate model
- Bugfix backend map coordinate select
- Bugfix reduce picture preview size in backend
- Improve frontend/backend maps, icons and add canyon name to all icons
- Add literature type canyoning_booklet
- Reduce min picture size of waterlevel pictures
- Improve backend map coordinate select
- Bugfix backend audit trail canyon name
- Add system statistics to all background jobs (cpu, memory, ..)
- Improve GenerateGPSData job
- Improve audit logs and add auditing also for literature and pictures
- Add job DetectCanyonDataErrors and backend dashboard widget for display (currently detecting wrong gps coordinates and wrong locale)
- Add job GenerateGPSData for all countries and world as gpx and kml and show download link in frontend on countries and map
- Add map in backend to change gps coordinates (TODO: needs to be run: php artisan storage:link)
- Backend on create canyon show nearby canyons and canyons with similar names
- Disable merge canyons button in backend
- Fix import reports from
- We introduces a tmp disk including a automated cleanup job (needed for gps file generation)
- The media table now has the property custom_locale to store files for different locale versions
- DB Seeder CanyonSeederUpdateWeblinksSchluchtCH was added to migrate all urls to the new ones (TODO: needs to be run: php artisan db:seed --class=CanyonSeederUpdateWeblinksSchluchtCH)
- In order to build the js from package custom-map-picker please read the additional readme there
- All public css/js files which are autopublished (typically filament+plugins stuff) was removed from git
- Some translations have been added/fixed
- Readme has been added the sectin "Project pull setup" on the top, in order for devs to know what probably typically needs to be updated after an update
- Additional Information: In order to achieve the features above we had to some quirks ... introduce the "dummy model: World" which was needed to store files for the world in a similar fashion to all other files. Also we had to create a "separate package: custom-map-picker" in order to compile and inject 3rd party js-libs for the maps into filament fields.
- Bugfix crash on canyons with warnings because we need to use Carbon::now() instead of now()
- Prepare public assets for map/gps-export on urls /assets/png and assets/svg
- Add generate pngs command to allow generate png pictures from svg for devs
- Refactor map to use /assets/svg/icons.svg instead of inline svgs (Warning: you need to run "php artisan storage:link" to have icons on the map)
- Various bugfixes on report api locale
- Bugfix translation backup
- Update translation files
- Initial version of gpx/kml functions for use in future exports
- Also count additional users on report in statictics
- Canyon full api add property color, bugfix translation and increase rate-limit
- Reduce caching times for latest-reports and latest-canyons to 3min for api/nginx and webpage
- Report create/update api return json object
- Allow report delete for super admins in backend
- Fix caching by setting header max_age to a smaller amount
- Allow optional users added to reports (incld. user multiselect component + api)
- Upgrade to newest node and php packages
- Change needed for PHP 8.3
- Add app privacy policy on /legal/app
- Remove redis caching for public api (as it will be already cached on nginx)
- Fix out of memory by allowing only max 500 canyons from canyon full endpoint (reached gt 128mb on request)
- Add memory usage info to canyon full endpoint
- Change api app minversion to string
- Enable browser caching of OPTIONS requests for 24h
- Fix N+1 performance issues on API calls and other areas
- Add locale option as url parameter to all calls exposing translations
- Add api for app min-version
- App api for one canyon map single or full element
- Add api in masterdata for gear translation and speciality translation
- Add api for canyon media
- Add breaking change to canyon full api endpoints. Description text is now returned as object instead if string
- Enable caching headers for public api
- Add cors config to partly expose headers to browser scripts
- Add half stars on create of reports
- Add header X-Total-Length to all public api requests using simplePaginate
- Add bugfix for empty statistic data
- Change frontend to use same statistic data as api
- Add job RecalculateCanyonStatistic updating fields statistic, last_update_user and last_update_date on canyon model
- Add custom report helper
- Enhance canyon full api with last_update_user and last_update_date
- On Import reports we check for duplicates before importing
- Prepare db and models for reports having additional users
- We need to run seeder ReportSeederFixDuplicatedImports once to remove duplicate reports
- Add new api requests for masterdata/selects
- Adapt api pagination limits to server performance
- Fix n+1 query problems for many apis and improve queries
- Disable job GenerateJsonExport
- Add new api requests for map/list/simple, map/list/full, canyon/full, canyon/list/changed, latest/reports, latest/canyons, latest/statistics, user/profile
- Add field updated_at_total to canyons table and add nightly job RecalculateCanyonUpdateTimestamp to recalculate it
- Add scramle workarounds for data wrapper and required null values, see ScambleExtentionCustomJsonResourceTypeToSchema and ScrambleExtentionCustomJsonResourceTypeInfer
- Add first version of a public api avalible via 2nd domain
- Add test apis for canyons and reports
- Generate openapi docs with dedoc/scramble
- Allow api token generation for all users
- Bugfix: Change field length on report description
- Improve nearby page by adding filter and make list responsive
- Reduce RecalculateNearbyCanyons distance from 50km to 25km (Warning: needs manual reset of job start time and table canyons_have_nearby_canyons)
- Rewrite RecalculateSimilarCanyonNames to allow job to process an unlimited amount of changes
- Enable FilamentShield in Backend again
- Add user list data sturtures
- Change nearby page from blade to filament table
- Refactor all costom icons to svg
- Bump node and php frameworks to newest version (filament 3.1.x and others)
- Remove example ressource from backend
- Improve map and canyon-detail loading speed (add geodata api + caching + browsercaching + preloading + file splitting)
- Change throttle to redis cache
- Change order of display canyon points in map (blue 1st, green 2nd, ..)
- Show report pictures again
- Add partly filles water drop instead of full drop plus text on reports
- Add widget AuthorActivity in backend dashboard
- Add funtion to log all sql queries to file for testing
- Add most of the select options also to json export job GenerateJsonExport
- Make small usability improvements in backend
- Enable audit logs for warning, gear and speciality
- Disable report edit button on start page
- Fix profile page report display
- User now needs to select the input language once on reports he generates (deepl language autodetect was in many cases not working)
- Also when creating a Warning you need to select a input language
- Seeder CanyonSeederFixReportLocale will fix most of the existing report->locale values (special cases see console output)
- Reminder: after this update we need to update all warnings and set the input language field
- Fix austrian topo map
- Add command for FileCacheGarbageCollection (runs once a week)
- Add command FlushAllRedisDatabases (useful for playground, use with care!!)
- Add Job RemoveDataWithoutCanyonIds (runs once a week, use with care!!)
- Move canyon season, length and drainage to first page in backend
- Add short_name to region
- Add CustomWeblinkHelper (to unify weblinks)
- Unify report info to component
- Migrate report page to a filament report table with filters/search
- Migrate canyon detail reports and home reports also to new report component
- Add transport types car-high-clearance and car-4wd
- Fix more special cases in geocache (still many missing for ropewiki data...)
- Add seeder CanyonSeederFixReportDescentDone
- Add seeder CanyonSeederRopewiki (not ready for production yet, brakes map!!)
- Bufix wrong variables set in job DisasterBackup
- Fix rock_type translation
- Rename job BackupMediaFiles to DisasterBackup and improve logic
- Allow search canyon alternative names in backend
- Add csv log to DCV seeder
- Add translateable msg text for frontend to specialities
- Add bugfix backend loosing data when editing relationship managers and then saving the canyon
- Add bugfix specialities for long icon formats
- Add bugfix for backend translation-manager (only german was shown as translateable language)
- Add job BackupMediaFiles for disaster recovery of pictures to S3 storage once a month
- Change unknown parking icon in map
- Bugfix backend widgets out of memory
- Change json export index format
- Fix backend audit logs (v3 bug)
- Improve job MovePicturesToWebhosting
- Only allow super-admins to give admin role
- Improve CanyonSeederDescenteV2
- Add command custom:generateschluchtchcsv (helper for adding links)
- Migrate Job ImportReportsSchluchtCh to json data
- Add automatic report sync from and Descente
- Change spacing of canyon descriptions in backend
- Add CanyonSeederDescenteV2 (improved importer for descente raw data)
- Make username clickable on opencanyon reports
- Add Job GenerateJsonExport (publushes to
- Add initial version of seeder CanyonSeederDCV
- Edit/delete of weblinks needed for report import (descente,, ..) is now limited
- Add CanyonSeederFixCleanUnwantedCanyonInfos
- Show warning pictures and files in frontend
- Fix topo link in backend
- Improve team and users pages
- Add translations
- Bump all php and node packages to latest version
- Also add canyoning db v1 to commit statistic
- Add statistics to profile/users/team page
- Add git statistics to user
- Map add current location button
- Add spam protection
- Fix topo min size
- Add canyon field type (raw/full) as mandatory + seeder CanyonSeederSetInitialType
- Add legal infos on canyon create and some canyon edit fields
- Bugfix save of post slug
- Bugfix backend warning background color
- Add backend page canyon topo
- Fix email template language
- Add more link options to canyon - description - coordinate links
- Update translations
- Upgrade Filament and Livewire from V2 to V3
- Upgrade Laravel Jetform to V2 to V4 (to support Livewire V3)
- Add stage playground
- Bump all npm and composer packages to the newest versions
- Fix many many topics/bugs because of this major framework update
- Fix typo on canyon direction south west
- Fix link target on pdf link
- Add canyoning rescue styria members to predefined user list
- Improve slack error logging for none http errors
- Fix backend crash on editing canyons for none aca users
- Fix translation generation and backup for gears and specialities
- Add hydrology tab to canyon (separate canyon description field)
- Add picture descriptions for all pictures (backend)
- Rename report decent_done in descent_done
- Fix translations
- Fix 500er on user request backend
- Add userinfo on slack bug messages
- Add email notification on important slack messages (used for users not always online in slack)
- Enhance canyon model with rating_info, belay_info and add readable properties for all three
- Add CanyonSeederFixSwissalpsImport
- Fix report rounding
- Unify report and canyon fields to
- Add aca toos also to pdf
- Fix consent banner for en and other languages
- Add cleanup db seeder for all topocanyon links
- Fix speciality translations
- Improve user list api (adding more properties)
- Add rss feed for all aca reports on /feed/aca-reports using package spatie/laravel-feed
- Update all php and npm packages to the newest versions
- Add excel export to aca user list in backend
- Add remote translation importer to custom:mergetranslations
- Add some translations
- Try to fix file permissions on translations
- Try to fix file permissions on gears
- Fix 500er issue on /es/canyon/a60215f8-4fdf-45dd-bb90-5b5930be1e1a
- Bugfix sitemap for report and other uri generated pages
- Fix sitemap generation (by disabling crawler and adding all needed urls manually)
- Improve sitemap generation (partly)
- Fix translations
- Fix translation backend shown groups
- Add more debug info to GenerateTranslationCache
- Bugfix show canyon description headers also without translation
- Add multilanguage support for frontend in languages de,en,it,es,fr
- Automatically translate canyons, warnings, posts, reports with deepl api and nightjob
- Automatically detect user language from browser language and storing it in session and locale cookie
- User: Add user locale and locale switcher in user profile
- User: Add role translator
- Update sitemap generation using hreflang and x-default
- Add command custom:mergeselecttranslations to automate the translation key generation for most of the used selects
- Add command custom:mergetranslations to merge the languages from translation-manager with the existing ones
- Add translation filament list + filament filter
- Gears and specialities: Autogenerate translation keys in field translation_key on creating new or on save
- Gears and specialities: Add info field with translated values in backend
- Gears and specialities: Only allow unique name
- Warnings: Add canyon table to warning edit view
- Warnings: Add calc_used to warnings as well
- Add SetLocale on Laravel and Filament middleware
- Disable all Jetstream and Fortify Default-Routes and add custom routes with localization
- Add Custom Browser language detector to enforce en as fallback of not de,en,it,es,fr on first visit of the page
- Add translations to map.js by using $this->translation_strings = trans('canyon-map')
- Add translation to canyons-nearby with inline js using {{ Js::from(trans('canyon-nearby.gps_error_position_unavailable')) }}
- Add patrickschur/language-detection to find reports in other languages for testing, use Report::detectSomeNonGermanReportsWithoutApi()
- Enable filament translation-manager with permission key custom_filament_translation_manager and disabling all laravel/filament language groups
- Enable/Update configs for codezero-be/laravel-localized-routes and codezero-be/laravel-localizer again
- Add seeder CanyonSeederGenerateTranslationKeys to initialize gear and speciality translation keys where translation is already stored in translation files
- Add role translator plus permissions to UserRoleSeeder
- Add default and custom language files in ressources/lang/{locale}/... (our translation files start with canyon-... or select-...)
- Add @trans(..) translation keys for custom translations for all blade templates
- Add localized version for home page index-en, index-de, ...
- Change all routes with prefixed /de/ /en/ ... and add route fallback controller to handle forward of to{locale}/map
- Add command custom:translatemarkdown to manually translate markdown files (used for legal, impressum, ...)
- Add translations for all markdowns
- Add command custom:showroutes (to get a list of clickable urls for all routes)
- Add property last_payment to user and aca user list in backend
- Add API token generation for admins in menue
- Add API calls for aca-user-list and aca-update-last_payment
- Fix a lot of missing translations
- Add translation backup on deployment before git reset
- Add warning to translation cache
- Improve Report translations in job GenerateTranslationCache
- Enable GenerateTranslationCache run every night (with limited amount)
- Make posts translateable and add translation flag to post in backend
- Improve TranslationCache logic and do some bugfixing
- Improve translations for reports
- Add backup translation script
- Add special url to allowe registration without welcome email (
- Add cleanup example page
- Add i18n-ally default settings to vs-code config
- Add CanyonSeederFixDescriptions seeder (needs to be called automatically)
- Minor display improvements on multiple pages (profile, users, team, reports, canyon-detail, ..)
- Fix translation seeder (plus add an exporter)
- Fix linebreaks in frontend canyon pages basic, description and pdf
- Update glossary v1
- Add many functions for deepl translations to CustomTranslationHelper
- Add Job GenerateTranslationCache (autostart still disabled)
- Add translated descriptions to Canyon and Report (e.g. description => description_en)
- Add TranslationCache model where translation are stored
- Add initial translation glossary glossary_deepl_v1
- Add field description_team to user model and profile
- Add command custom:generatewordlist as base to generate a canyon glossary
- Add picture upload to reports (based on livewire + filepond with limited plugins)
- Add redirect to previous page on login
- Add deep links to canyon tabs
- Improve map infos when clicking on coordinates
- Fix ordering of user reports
- Bugfix 500er on user request role
- Bugfix 404er on user profile click on report
- Add profile picture and description
- Add pages team, users, user but dont link them (yet)
- Bugfix Filter Typo
- Improve parts data triggered on parts create
- Add CanyonSeederFixParts
- Add aca user list to backend
- Improve user request form
- Add ids and timestamps to all intermediate tables
- Add additional info to contact and user-request forms
- Add Seeder CanyonSeederFixCoordinateComments
- Improve backend translations
- Improve display of canyon parts
- Improve canyon merge (bugfix and merge pictures too)
- Bugfix favicon urls
- Bugfix pdf difficulty_readable on null
- Improve canyon merge (also merge reports)
- Add CanyonSeederACAPictureImport
- Add canyon merge functionality in backend
- Restrict canyon delete to super_admins
- Add canyon delete request to slack functionality
- Add seeder CanyonSeederFixImportInfo to restore wring/missing import info
- Add canyon summary as mandatory field to create canyon screen
- Fix date formats on first_descent, season_start, season_end
- Add canyon list to gear and speciality in backend
- Change color of canyons without basic infos to white in map
- Add difficulty color to canyon detail page and canyon list
- Improve map colors and add color infos to page
- Canyon detail icon update
- Improve pdf and show warnings
- Add first descent infos to db and backend
- Improve canyon audit view
- Bugfix list sort stars rating
- Add time_readable to descriptions
- Add community link on bigger screens
- Rename Abbruch to Abseiler
- Add slack contact alert on new user request
- Reduce post default font sizes
- Translate user request form
- Add notification after literature merge
- Fix styling classes for all posts (now uses tailwind typography-plugin)
- Add some tailwind info to readme
- Add post content anchors to add links to headers with post-url#anchor-tag
- Change backend canyon info links to liks with anchor tags
- Refactor used canyon filters
- Add new backend page admin info
- Add merge functionality to literature backend ressource
- Fix used field recalculation also for specialities
- Replace many hardcoded links by named routes
- Change community page header
- Add xampp setup to readme
- Add improved filter to list (expected to generate more load on db)
- Fix backend canyon edit view by reverting dark css changes for filament custom views
- Fix missing link in newest canyons and overflowing picture description (home page)
- Fix job RecalculateUsedFields for field update back to null when canyons have been deleted
- Fix picture upload size check after image is compressed
- Change initial ordering of pictures to name
- Add coordinate type waypoint
- Remove darkmode css classes
- Improve country view
- Rename backend transport field name
- Reorder report waterlevel
- Add list of reports and list of pictures and link them in the frontpage
- Add country overview, canyons/region per country and canyons/region
- Fix user statistic
- Fix Map https always
- Show 6 pictures at frontpage
0.2.x / 0.1.x Versions (Pre-Production)
- Fix 404 on not found pdfs
- Add fullscreen toggle to map
- Fix map projection format (EPSG:4326 vs EPSG:3857)
- Add more base map layers + switcher
- Frontend canyon add specialities and gears incld. icons
- Homepage remove some text on mobile view
- Navigation remove header and space on top (different mobile/desktop)
- Move version info to community page bottom
- Try to fix sitemap permission
- Fix calc_reports_created on user
- Change title html star to *
- Try to fix deployment script changelog permissions
- Move getMessagesGeneralCached to SlackHelper and remove Job SlackGetLatestMessages
- If requesting a pdf of a canyon that doest exist we show now 404
- Canyon change title stars from utf8 to html encoding
- Update sitemap to use proper priority and proper change dates using getUpdatedAtTotalAttribute on canyon model
- Allow access to filament dashboard only if email is verified and user is in admin/super_admin/editor
- NPM Add alpine plugin focus, remove daisyui because unused
- Remove broken links again
- Restore SEO info again (title/description)
- Some improvfements on home page
- Add coordinate type helipad
- Add weblink Geocache
- Improve start page
- Change view to "v3" and delete/rename all unneeded view files
- Allow reports with 2000 characters and fix decent-done=yes default value
- Show Reports from getLatestCanyonReports only when decent-done=yes+unplanned-exit
- Rework start-page (in progress)
- Split startpage in subpages
- Add some new text interactive informations to startpage
- Fix slug error on post update
- Add generic limits to CustomViewHelper
- Add canyon relation to media object
- Add Seeder CanyonSeederACAAddAmountDescent to import amount_descente from aca page
- Add slack general infos to community page at bottom
- Move backend pages to generic posts (backend-canyon-info and backend-canyon-grading)
- Add canyons nearby page
- Update all frameworks to newest version
- Fix filament picture description bug (fixed by update)
- Fix jobs RecalculateCanyonRatings (generates stars,belay,info rating)
- Update rating async after report for single canyon
- Enforce table refresh after new report
- Add community index page from post slug community-index
- Add community bugs page from post slug community-bugs plus slack channel
- Add community features page from post slug community-features plus slack channel
- Add lot of Startpage helper function to CustomViewHelper, like getLatestSlackMessagesGeneral, getLatestCanyonPictures, getLatestCanyonReports, getNewestCanyons, getUserStatistic
- Add Job SlackGetLatestMessages all 15min
- Fix calc_reports_created and other on user
- Some View Bugfixes
- Change drainage_basin to allow 2 digits after comma
- Literatures get an ISBN field
- We now have specialities (=Besonderheiten) next to gear (=Spezialausrüstung) in backend
- Bugfix season start db crash on insert
- Bugfix View1 not looking good
- Optimisation for mobile on Views v2/v3
- RecalculateUsedUserFields (Canyons Changed, Uploaded Files, Reports)
- Backend can now create Posts
- Update/Add View v2 and v3
- Enable Audit Trail for Canyon subelements like Coordinates, Weblinks, Names
- Remove field max_rope_lenght_single (is replaced by max_decent)
- Bugfix season date by casting
- Limit ropex text to 20 chars
- Add favicon in different sizes
- Add report overview in backend
- Minor backend improvements
- Translation improved
- Add CustomViewHelper helper class with alias CVH
- Improvments of canyon detail view v2
- PDF improvements
- Add example country
- Add lock icon to internal links like aca and topocanyons
- Add repository backup every day (next to db backup)
- Add MoveBackupToExternalFtp job once a week
- Add some calculated attributes an various models
- Add Job RemoveBrokenWeblinks (because it takes a long time)
- Add canyon list + pagenr to literature backend
- Detect broken links and move them to hidden category broken
- Add seo title and description for canyon detail pages
- Reimplement Parts-relationshipManager
- Change CanyonSeederCalculateParts (needs re-run)
- Improvement Relationship Managers in general
- Add fields icon and description to gear
- Add red/green infos to audit description fields
- Some renaming and bugfixing
- Add automatic sitemap generation (for seo)
- Add field every_year to warnings (needs manually rerun migration)
- Add fields season_start/season_end/best_time/direction/amount_descent to canyons
- Add attachments for warnings and literature
- Fix MovePicturesToWebhosting job to also handle pdfs well
- Minor fixes and updates
- Add canyon detail view v2 with parameter version=2
- Change domain from to
- Enable consent popup and legal links
- Add contact form (to slack)
- Add a few legal pages (currently hidden to public)
- Add disclaimer popup
- Add canyon parts edit in backend
- Fix weblink order in CanyonSeederFixWeblinks
- Add used diskspace info to dashboard
- Try to fix db backup job at night
- Add clickable link to canyon links in backend
- Fix sorting for links and pictures in frontend
- Add max_descent to csv log in CanyonSeederCleanupSimilarCanyons
- Fix permissions to write csv log and test at the beginning
- Add info button + page to canyon rope fields in backend
- Move rope fields in backend on the same page
- Fix cleanup db references in canyon delete
- Add specialcase for audit log creation to canyon model (writeAuditLogFromConsole)
- Revert geocache structures for spain back to original
- Improve weblink frontend
- Add weblink type calculation based on url to weblink model
- Remove stacktrace from slack logs (2nd try)
- Improve cwiki canyon seeder, treat null and 0 differently
- Fix descente seeder (mixed fields length and altitude)
- Add CanyonSeederDescenteCleanup (delete descente canyons)
- Add CanyonSeederFixWeblinks (remove text from url, calculate most unknown types, remove duplicates)
- Add descriptions for final data cleanup to DatabaseSeeder class
- Improve Backend audit detail view
0.0.x Versions (Testing)
- Change datastructures/seeding of country/region/subregion/subsubregion/geocache (needs DB init)
- Change all country/region/.. names from german to native/english using variable full_name
- Add subregion to pdf and canyon-basic page
- Add caching, fallback api calls and more logic to GeoData seeder
- Remove stacktrace from slack logs
- Improve country/region/.. views in backend (add more filters + logic)
- Bugfixing on table migration/rollback
- Bugfixing on db seeders
- Add canyon warnings model
- Add gear/warning/literature screens for edit in backend
- Do some polishing on editing in backend
- Add virtual column to literature table
- Add basic example for info and warning msg above canyon detail view
- Fix db backup script
- Log all general errors also to slack (for production only)
- Dump composer autoload on deployment
- Add night job to move pictures from local vps disk to other webspace using
- Add csv creation to CanyonSeederCleanupSimilarCanyons
- Fix crash on pdf view
- Add create canyon wizard with automated creation of country/region/subregion
- Add model subsubregion plus relations
- Finish implementing GeoCache and CanyonGeocodingSeeder
- Add CanyonGeodataCleanupSeeder (call manually will delete all unused regions/subregions after new data was created)
- Remove CanyonSeederACACalcGPS because its not needed anymore
- Upgrade laravel framework 9 to 10
- Add GeoCache model for creating country/region/subregion data based on gps using external apis
- Rename field "Einfachseil" in backend
- Fix aca canyon seeder for slovenia
- Fix cwiki canyon seeder (mixed descriptions)
- Add user roles based on predefined emails from env settings
- Some minor improvements
- Add custom tab in frontend and backend for custom usergroup canyon_group_aca
- Add edit usergroup functionality to users in backend
- Add translations framework and infos (but don't activate it)
- Change default locale to DE
- Change default time to europe/vienna
- Update packages
- Add canyons_have_parts structures for sup./inf. upper/lower and display it in the backend
- Add gps data for all aca canyons
- Add audit trail for all canyon changes via gui
- Add audit trail view to canyon edit backend and separate canyon history view
- Started adding basic logics for "cleanup similar canyons"
- New DB initialisation needed !!
- Add pdf download (needs composer install)
- Rezize pictures in browser before upload (max 1920x1920)
- Add water_level and descent_done to reports
- Add fancybox for topos, waterlevel and gallery
- Change a lot of picture settings (allowed size, path, generated sizes, ...) => need reset of storage/app/media and table media
- Add fancybox example page
- Add coordinates to map and add map to canyon detail-view
- Fix malformed emails and translate them to german
- Split canyon detail view in different files
- Add report edit/create with alpine/livewire
- Add more informations to canyon detail page
- Add user requests for frontend and backend
- Add file upload for backend
- Warning: DB refresh mandatory
- Add descente canyon data seeder for some data elements name/gps/...
- Add english names for country/region/subregion imports
- Automatically generate GPS data for ACA canyons based ob same country/region + same name (still improvement needed)
- Add background jobs to generate similar and nearby canyon data
- Add similar/nearby canyon info to backend
- Add report info to backend
- Add all existing fields canyon edit in backend
- Some frontend polishing
- Start to add canyon edit in backend
- Bugfix dummy user seeder
- Add basic user infos and logo
- Fix ACA seeder time calculation
- Add guest access to canyon data
- Remove dummy users from production
- Add email list for super_users on registration
- Fix error on canyon-detail page
- Add Changelog
- Add Appversion
- Add Slack Notification on error
- First canyon-detail page content added
- Initial test version deployed on a vps