Rio Pliz (superiore)

Last Update: 07.05.2024 by Daniel Sturm
Country: Italia / Italy
Subregion: ente di decentramento regionale di Udine
Town: Chiusaforte
v4 a2 III
on Foot
3.5 (1)
1 (1)
2 (1)
Alpiner Abseilcanyon
Alpine rappel canyon
Alpiner Abseilcanyon
Alpine rappel canyon
Wie beim Rio Pliz (inferiore)
As with the Rio Pliz (inferior)
Approach (1 h 40):
Parkplatz und Beginn Zustieg wie beim Pliz inf. Nach der Bachüberquerung (Beginn inf. Teil) folgt man den Weg 641. Der Pfad entspricht zuerst genau den Track auf OSM, später aber verliert er sich. 2021 wurde der Pfad mit blauen Punkten markiert. Man erreicht den Weg 621. Links abbiegen und dem Pfad folgen bei ca. 1050m erreicht man das Bachbett
Parking lot and start of access as at Pliz inferiore. After crossing the stream (start inferiore part) follow path 641. The path initially corresponds exactly to the track on OSM, but later it gets lost. In 2021 the path was marked with blue dots. You reach path 621. Turn left and follow the path for about 1050m to reach the streambed
Tour (2 h):
Ca. 15 Abseiler in alpinen Gelände. Endet beim bekannteren Start des Inferiore.
Approx. 15 rappels in alpine terrain. Exits at the more well-known start of the Inferiore.
Return ():
Weiter im unteren Teil (ca. 2std) oder theoretisch den Zustiegsweg retour gehen
Continue on the lower part (approx. 2 hours) or theoretically return along the access path


Canyon Start
46.41359°, 13.37967°
DMS: 46° 24" 48.92', 13° 22" 46.81'

DM: 46° 24.815", 13° 22.78"

Google Maps
08.06.2024 Mitja Filipič ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 Normal Completed ✔
Opravila sva spust po zgornjem in spodnjem delu kanjona. Na dostopu je ponekod kljub modrim pikam potrebna pozornost, saj nas lahko zavedejo živalske steze in nam vzamejo čas. Na splošno pa dostop ni zelo problematičen. Potrebovala 1:40h. Sidrišča v soteski so v redu. V spodnjem delu Pliza je na 70m slapu na vmesnem sidrišču manjkala matica. Sedaj je OK. Za spust po zgornjem in spodnjem kanjonu sva potrebovala malo manj kot 4 ure.
We descended the upper and lower parts of the canyon. At the access, despite the blue dots, attention is needed in some places, as animal tracks can mislead us and take up time. Overall, the access is not very problematic. Took 1:40h. The anchorages in the gorge are fine. In the lower part of the Pliza, a nut was missing on the 70m waterfall at the intermediate anchorage. It is OK now. It took us just under 4 hours to descend the upper and lower canyon.
