Mitja Filipič
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08.06.2024 Rio Pliz (superiore) Mitja Filipič ★★★★★ 📖 ★★★ ★★★ 💧 Normal Completed ✔
Opravila sva spust po zgornjem in spodnjem delu kanjona. Na dostopu je ponekod kljub modrim pikam potrebna pozornost, saj nas lahko zavedejo živalske steze in nam vzamejo čas. Na splošno pa dostop ni zelo problematičen. Potrebovala 1:40h. Sidrišča v soteski so v redu. V spodnjem delu Pliza je na 70m slapu na vmesnem sidrišču manjkala matica. Sedaj je OK. Za spust po zgornjem in spodnjem kanjonu sva potrebovala malo manj kot 4 ure.
We descended the upper and lower parts of the canyon. At the access, despite the blue dots, attention is needed in some places, as animal tracks can mislead us and take up time. Overall, the access is not very problematic. Took 1:40h. The anchorages in the gorge are fine. In the lower part of the Pliza, a nut was missing on the 70m waterfall at the intermediate anchorage. It is OK now. It took us just under 4 hours to descend the upper and lower canyon.