v4 a3 III
2x50m, 1x30m
Auto necessaria
3 (1)
2 (1)
2 (1)
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Nice aquatic playground with a long walk in and out
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Nice aquatic playground with a long walk in and out
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Drive up to the village „El Limon“, one car is parked at the village entrance, with other you cross the village and if you have high clearance or similar you put it down to the other parking spot (see gps). Otherwise there are also some spots where you could just park the car before going down the last bit of the gravel road to at least save some walking.
Avvicinamento (1 h):
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Go to the animal crossing on the village entrance and follow the fence trough the fields. Keep kind of the same level (and also check gps) with ending up going down at about 20min walking crossing a small stream. Then go uphill again and continue on the ridge to the right later when you already see the entrance crossing over to the left an scrambling down.
Giro (3 h):
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The canyon consists of quite a lot of small rappels and two big ones, one at the middle 40m and one at the end 35m. The water flow can be checked at the first rappel as you be quite exposed to the water at the 40m rappel.
A few smaller rappels and jumps up to 15m
40m rappel win the water
More smaller rappels and some walking
Final 35m rappel plus handline
Ritorno (1 h 15):
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After the 35m rappel walk back on the right side, first following some small trail next to the water pipes. Later you reach some lemon trees, then you always follow the main gravel road back to the car.
Inizio del canyon
20.866995°, -103.559203°
DMS: 20° 52" 1.18', -104° 26" 26.87'
DM: 20° 52.02", -104° 26.448"
Google Maps
DMS: 20° 52" 1.18', -104° 26" 26.87'
DM: 20° 52.02", -104° 26.448"
Google Maps
Fine del canyon
20.873845°, -103.5631°
DMS: 20° 52" 25.84', -104° 26" 12.84'
DM: 20° 52.431", -104° 26.214"
Google Maps
DMS: 20° 52" 25.84', -104° 26" 12.84'
DM: 20° 52.431", -104° 26.214"
Google Maps
Parcheggio all'entrata
20.874961°, -103.547988°
DMS: 20° 52" 29.86', -104° 27" 7.24'
DM: 20° 52.498", -104° 27.121"
Google Maps
DMS: 20° 52" 29.86', -104° 27" 7.24'
DM: 20° 52.498", -104° 27.121"
Google Maps
Parcheggio in uscita
20.88016°, -103.5732°
DMS: 20° 52" 48.58', -104° 25" 36.48'
DM: 20° 52.81", -104° 25.608"
Google Maps
DMS: 20° 52" 48.58', -104° 25" 36.48'
DM: 20° 52.81", -104° 25.608"
Google Maps
Probably needs high clearance vehicle
Info sul canyon Ropewiki
Max H.
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Altri utenti sono stati: Christian Haas DaRaph
Wir hatten das Glück den Canyon erst „später“ (gegen 13:30 beim Einstieg) zu besuchen, da vor uns bereits viele Leute im Bach waren. Dies hat sich als gut herausgestellt, da wir dadurch beim Rückweg viel Schatten hatten. Beim Zustieg mussten wir mehrfach den Weg suchen obwohl vor uns an diesem Tag viele Leute im Bach waren. Auch ein Wespennest haben wir gefunden :-|. Tour ist im ersten Teil ziemlich gut, es kommt Schlag auf Schlag bis zum hohen Abseiler, danach etwas mehr zu laufen bis man bei den letzten Abseilern rauskommt.
We were lucky enough to visit the canyon "later" (around 13:30 at the entry) as there were already a lot of people in the creek before us. This turned out to be a good thing as we had plenty of shade on the way back. During access, we had to search for the path several times even though there were many people in the stream before us that day. We also found a wasps' nest :-|. The first part of the tour is pretty good, it's all up to the high rappel, then a bit more walking until you come out at the last rappel.
Altri utenti sono stati: Christian Haas DaRaph
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Check the water flow before entering the enclosed section because in the 40m rappel you will be exposed to nearly all the water and will get some beating

Road for car shuttle

Road for care shuttle

Start of walking way

Following gps track to the n...

Cross a river

Walk into the canyon


First rappel


Some wood

Jump before big rappel

Big rappel from above

Big rappel from below

Some bolder hopping involved

Last rappel (with handline)

Exit here to the right follo...

Stick on the main gravel roa...